Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas from

Sam, Cameron, Jonny, and Abigail!
Note: Cameron gives this picture a 'thumbs up'!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

My little darlings

Last night, my dad's family did a service project we do every's an annual trip to the Rehab Ward at the V.A. Hospital! We usually just take up gift bags for them, but this year we did a program, too!! Here are the videos of my children performing:

This is her favorite Christmas song. She walks around singing it all day, lately.

He actually wrote this. Very sweet!! I'll have to get a transcript and write down the poem in another post....

I also have to add a little bit about the cute mix-ups Abigail has been having. You may hear her sing such Christmas favorites as:

"Tinker bells" (tinker bells, tinker bells, tinker all the way!)
"I wish you were a Merry Christmas" (...and a happy new year!)

And she'll be singing them to 'Christmas Steve'. You know, the guy who brings you presents on the night before Christmas, aka Christmas Eve?! Not sure how this last one happened, but it's pretty cute, anyway!

Monday, December 14, 2009

The Sanderson Family 2009

I was waiting to post this until we had someone take a pic of all of us together on Christmas...I still don't have one, but here you go, anyway:

I've never been one for sending Christmas cards. I know I should be. It just...never happens. Somewhere amid the madness of the holidays, the cards never get ordered. So, you get a blog this year!! It counts, doesn't it?? As long as I send it with a wish to all of you for a very Prosperous year!? (and I do!) So, here we go: a year in the life of the Sanderson Family:

We started the year off great!
1 - In March, we found out baby number 3 was on the way.
2- Also, the lease for our Karate School Expired. Jer formed a partnership with the Pierce's who took over running the school, so Jeremy could focus on just teaching classes, and I could focus on just being pregnant. We moved the school to a new location, and away from our previous crazy landlord. Hallelujah!
3- We also planted a HUGE garden, but first we put in some infrastructure. Lots of work. I'm not gonna lie: Jer did most of it!

4- We had an awesome mini-vacation to Yuba Lake in August. We all had a great time and it was nice to get away from it all. We camped next to the water, and just played in the sun all day for a few days.

Sam turned 6 this year. He started 1st grade with some nerves about being away from home all day, but soon found that he truly enjoys school!! He has been learning so fast I can hardly believe it. He spends almost all his spare time reading, and is currently reading the chapter books by himself. He just finished first book in the Harry Potter series, and is now reading an Orson Scott Card book. Not only is he reading it, but he also understands the story and asks questions about what he is reading. It's pretty cool (if not totally nerve racking) to have such a smarty pants of a boy. He's developing a love for soccer. He recently told his grandma that, "Soccer is my life." He lives to make people laugh...and will do anything to get that laugh. Most of the time he's a crack up just by being himself. (see other posts for more details...)

Abigail is getting so big! She turned 3 last January and so is nearly 4. She and I had a great time spending time together, just the two of us, while Sam was at school and before the baby came. She is all about being a princess. It's all hair bows and ponies and pink dress-ups in Abby's world. She spends her time playing pretend and singing and dancing, and we love watching her have so much fun!! She's pretty sweet. She got a big girl bed this year, and moved downstairs to a room next to Sam's. They're the best of friends and love playing together.

Jeremy is still working for Aculis during the day, and enjoying that. It's a great company, and we feel very blessed that he has a good job in these tough times. He works on a contract for United Healthcare, testing software that helps process claims more efficiently. He is also still teaching Martial Arts at Bushi Ban, but is taking a break to help me adjust to having 3 kids! He's been super busy as the Scout Master for our ward. He really enjoys working with boys, when they show up!! He also officially graduated! Even though he earned his bachelor's degree last year, he had to wait until this last spring to 'walk'. It was very exciting to see him do that, and we're so very proud of his accomplishment!

I've been busy, too!! I spent most of the year pregnant, but it was a great pregnancy. Jer and I had planned a home-birth again (we had Abby at home, and loved it!) But, our baby boy had other plans! My water broke 4 weeks early, so we headed to the hospital to have the safety-net of modern medicine for our little preemie. Jonathan "Jonny" Jay Sanderson was born on November 6th. He came out just perfect and pink, weighing in at 5 lbs 10 oz and 19 inches. He's growing like a weed, gaining 4 lbs in 6 weeks! I've also been busy as the Enrichment Leader for our ward. I have really liked planning and executing the RS activities for the sisters in our ward. I'm making great friends and just falling in love with our area!

Our sweet new addition, Jonny.

We hope you've all had as great a year as us, and that this letter finds you happy and healthy!

With Love, Tiffany, Jeremy, Sam, Abby, and Jonny

Snooooow fun!

The kids played in the snow with Jer on Saturday. Here is some video of their fun! Pay special attention to what Sam is saying at count 21 sec.(remind you of any movies you watched as a kid??) and to Abby's boogie at count 30 sec. They are my favorite parts!

Snow Man video

Snow Fort video

Saturday, December 12, 2009

The origins of 'Zipdinger'

When Jer and I were first married, we were called to co-teach nursery class to 2-3 year olds, with a man who shall be named "Brother Doe". Imagine Chris Farley doing 'fat man in a little coat', mesh that with Barney, now make him shorter, pudgier, and balder, and you have got yourself a perfect mental image of Brother Doe. He was just about the goofiest man I ever met. Perfect for teaching three year olds, but he drove just about every adult I knew at that time completely crazy.

We alternated teaching. One week it was our turn to teach, the next week was his. His lessons were always a delight to the senses. Complete with flailing arms, bulging neck veins, broad (bordering on insane looking) grins, and a very very loud man-voice. On the particular Sunday in question, we were expecting nothing less than a great show. We settled in at the back of the classroom for the weekly revival. What we got was so much more: the birth of an epic term, to be used throughout the ages.

He began with props. Out of a bag he pulled seed packets,  garden tools, and child-sized snow parka, gloves and hat. He turned to the kids. "Hey, kids!!! Are ya ready for a ZIPDINGER of a lesson??! Today, we're going to learn about the seasons. First comes spring. Stuff grows in the spring. But first, you hafta plant it!" He proceeded to tear open seed packets and dump them all over the classroom floor, and then rake them into the carpet with a hand-rake. Zipdinger.

"Come on, kids! Help me!!" Now they're all on the floor, raking seeds into the carpet with their hands. Zipdinger.

"After awhile, it gets hot, and our plants get big. Then, the weather gets cold." This is where the fat man in a little coat comes in. He seriously squeezes himself into this tiny parka, puts the too-small hat on his head, and pretending to shiver says, " BRRRRRRR!!! Isn't it cold kids??! Aren't you cold??" Of course, the kids all join in. Zipdinger.

"And those, kids, are the seasons!" He ended so abruptly, I honestly expected a bow.

We left church that day sure of a few things: 1- Brother Doe was completely crazy. 2- Never, for the rest of our lives would we see a Sunday school lesson so unequivically awesome. 3- Even if we tried (and believe me we have) there would never be a better description for what we had just witnessed than "Zipdinger."

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Once there was a snowman tall> taLL>TALL

This is for all you Jonny-Jay fans and out of town-ers.

We took Jonny to the doc Monday. He measures in at 8 lbs 5 oz. 21 inches long. And...brace yourself: he's in the 5oth percentile for weight and 90th for height. My boy's a-growin'! (He started out in the 5th percentile for both, so this is a HUGE jump!) But, then, he was never one to dilly dally or be out-done in any way! (can I say that after only 4 weeks??)